Laila Marrakchi
Cast list
Smahane the Houssine
Zakariyah Guram
Souad Lamriki
Isabelle Pragier
Abdeslam is a broken man, his dreams are gone and he sees his future is not in Morocco. He decides to go to the other side of the Mediterranean, to Spain, to try and find a new life but is always reminded of what he left behind in Morocco. This film aims to speak of experience that many young people in Morocco may face.
Gugler, Josef. Film in the Middle East and North Africa Creative Dissidence. Austin: U of Texas, 2011. Print.
Gottreich, Emily, and Daniel J. Schroeter. Jewish Culture and Society in North Africa. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 2011. Print.
Boutouba, Jimia. "The Moudawana Syndrome: Gender Trouble in Contemporary Morocco." Research in African Literatures 45.1 (2014): 24-38. Project MUSE. Web. 28 Mar. 2015.
Portuges, Catherine. "French Women Directors Negotiating Transnational Identities." Yale French Studies 115 (2009): 47-63. JSTOR. Web. 8 Apr. 2015.