Mariam Ndagire
Cast list
Laura Kahunde
Mariam Ndagire
Zziwa Dungu
Written by... Mariam Ndagire
Sound by... Wyclef Yuombya
Editor... Ssuna David
Editor... Sunna Peter
The main character Braina (Played by Lora Kahunde) loses her Mother to a manipulative local music producer. She tries to avenge her Mother's death only to find out that her older sister is not only sleeping with the producer, but is now pregnant by him as well. On top of all of the drama, Braina finds out her younger brother is HIV positive and must figure out how to save her family.
The Observer: Ndagire completes Dear Mum
Uganda Online Website Directory: Juliana's Sister Laura Into Movies
AllAfrica: Uganda: Ndagire to Complete Dear Mum
Academic Articles
Kerr, David, and Jane Plastow, eds. Media and Performance. Vol. 10. Boydell & Brewer Ltd, 2011.
Editors, Inglish Kasahorow. "Inglish Kasahorow." Inglish Kasahorow. Inglish Kasahorow, 1 Apr. 2012. Web. 7 Apr. 2015.
Kiyaga, Abdu. “Meet Sara Kisazu, Aka Nalweyiso, or Mother-in-Law.” LexisNexis Academic Library. Al Bawaba (Middle East) Ltd. (Middle East Aggregated Content), 20 June 2014. Web. 6 Apr. 2015