Down This Road I Walk (Uganda: 2007)


Mariam Ndagire

Cast list

Cathy Nakimbugwe... Prossie Sheila Ategyeka

Fred Twase... Jonan Kisibo

Suzan Twase... Mauryn Jolly Nankya

Mr. Kateregga... Wawuyo Micheal

Mrs. Kateregga... Busuulwa Jennifer

Mrs. Twase... Irene Kiiza

Begumisa Charles... Wycliff Luyombya

Gilda... Ndagire Mariam

Charlie Junior (baby)... Mohsen Mutabingwa

Senga... Nakamatte Flavia

Paul Kateregga... Mubiru Faisal

Elizabeth Roberts... Esther Jacum

Chloe (TV host)... Nakalembe Catherine

Sarah (Receptionist)... Nanfuka Rehma


The main character Catherine (played by Sheila Ategyeka) is being pressured into marriage by her parents. Although she is in love with and wants to marry her high school sweet heart, her parents insist on her marrying a man named Charles, he is wealthy and famous and will be able to take the family out of poverty. Charles is also in trouble with his crazy ex girlfriend who continues to stalk him, while his Mother is pushing him to marry Catherine so that she will be able to have grandkids in the near future. Although Catherine's Mother explains to her it is not of their culture to marry for love, Catherine is determined to marry the love of her life.


Uganda: Mariam's Down the Road I Walk

Academic Articles:

Kasule, Sam. “Telling Our Story’ Conversations with Kindu Uganda Home Movie Directors Mariam Ndagire and Ashraf Simwogerere.” Media and Performance. Rochester: Boydell and Brewer, 2011. 49 to 52. Print

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Down This Road I Walk Uganda 2007 Mariam Ndagire
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