Song of Africa (South Africa: 1951)


Emil Nofal

Cast list

Joseph Mus
Mabel Magada
Albertina Temba
John Lekgeth
Daniel Moshesh
George Mabuz


Producer: African Films


A young man leaves his village and travels to the city, where he hears jazz music for the first time and falls in love with it. He decides to return home and form a jazz band in order to return to the city and compete with the other bands.

Academic Articles:

On Location: Narratives of the South African City of the Late 1940s and 1950s in Film and Literature, by Gary Baines. South African Historical Journal Vol. 48, No. 1 (January 14, 2009), pp. 35-46

Cinematic images of black sexual identity in Zonk! (1950), by Jacqueline Maingard. Journal of African Cultural Studies, Vol. 16, No. 1 (June 2003), pp. 25-43

Other movies from South Africa made in

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Song of Africa South Africa 1951 Emil Nofal
The Magic Garden South Africa 1951 Donald Swanson
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