Joseph Albrecht
Cast list
Edward Vincent... Sir John Meredith
Charles Sparrow... Jack Meredith
M.A. Wetherell... Guy Oscard
Grafton Williams... Victor Durnovo
H.J. Hamlin... Maurice Gordon
C.H. Butcher... Joseph Atkinson
Mabel May... Millicent Chyne
Ada Edney... Jocelyn Gordon
Helène Vaubré... Lady Cantourne
Producer: Joseph Albrecht
African Film Productions Company
Academic articles:
Augst, Therese Ahern. “Albrecht Und Rudolf Joseph.” Deutschsprachige Exilliteratur seit 1933, III: USA, 1. 283-299. Bern, Switzerland: Saur, 2000. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 17 Apr. 2014.
Hees, Edwin. “The Voortrekkers On Film: From Preller To Pornography.” Critical Arts: A Journal Of Cultural Studies 10.1 (1996): 1-22. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 17 Apr. 2014.