Tsitsi Dangarembga
Cast list
Dalms Chiwereva - Chido
Esther Dauramanzi - Kundisai
Charles Kapfupi - Terrance
Pretty Xaba - Mai Mahachi
Producer: Tsitsi Dangarembga and Nyerai films
I Want a Wedding Dress is the story of young Kundisai Sande, who desperately wants to get married but finds herself in a sexual network with disastrous consequences. Her boyfriend Teri deserts her, only to find himself in the same sexual network. Mahachi, the successful, promiscuous businessman who seduces Kundisai, brings infection to the marriage bed. In the midst of their misery, the players in the sexual network come to realize that only love can conquer all. But not before a number of questions rear their sickly heads and threaten to derail all the plans they have for love and life. Can love overcome HIV? Can love overcome infidelity? Can love overcome rejection? Can love overcome mistrust? The rest of the film takes us on a bittersweet journey where some of these questions are answered and others are left simmering in our minds.
Women Filmmakers of Zimbabwe, Wildtrack Newsletter: Women Filmmakers of Zimbabwe Takes Films to Colleges, Kubatana (online newsletter)
Beti Ellerson, Tsitsi Dangarembga: I Want A Wedding Dress, African Women in Cinema (blog)
Steve, Review: I Want a Wedding Dress, The Zimbabwean (blog)
Triangles of Love, Lust & Life in Dangarembga Film, The Zimbo Jam: Film News (online magazine)
Academic Articles:
Zimbabwe’s Cinematic Arts: Language, Power, Identity by Katrina Daly Thompson, Indiana University Press (2012)