Roger Ross Williams
Cast list
Prudence Mabhena
Tapiwa Nyengera
Energy Maburutse
Honest Mupatse
Marvelous Mbulo
Vusani Vuma
Goodwell Nzou
Farai Mabhande
Music By Prudence is a documentary about Zimbabwean singer and composer Prudence Mabhena, who suffers from anthrogyposis. She started a band, called Liyana, with seven other musicians with other physical illnesses, and has become a voice for those with disabilities who live in a society that generally abandons those with physical illnesses.
Mooney, Darren. Non-Review Review: Music By Prudence. The Movie Blog (online blog)
NPR. Prudence Mabhena: Out of Struggle, A Soaring Voice. National Public Radio (online article)
Academic Articles:
TURNER, MIKI. “The Journey Of Prudence.” Jet 117.22 (2010): 21. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 13 Apr. 2014.