Boubou-Cravate (Cameroon: 1972)


Daniel Kamwa

Cast list

Marpessa Dawn

Francois Petit

James Campbell

Max Amyl

Daniel Kamwa


Original Story: Novella by Francis Bebey


A young Cameroonian diplomat goes home and feels divided between the habits of life learned in Europe and African traditions. In his house, everything is European, from the furniture to the cooking and music. But his wife, who has not shared his European experience, cannot understand him. During a very formal reception, the servants begin to play the tam-tams, accentuating the cultural conflict.

Academic Articles:

Cinema in Cameroon by Richard Trillo. The Rough Guide to West Africa (2008).

Other movies from Cameroon made in

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Boubou-Cravate Cameroon 1972 Daniel Kamwa
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