Borom Sarret (The Wagoner) (Senegal: 1963)


Ousmane Sembène

Cast list

Ly Abdoulay as Le charretier
Albourah as Le cheval


Writing credits: Ousmane Sembène

Production credits: Ousmane Sembène


Often considered to be the first authentic African film, ‘Borom Sarret’ tells the story of an impoverished cart driver working in Dakar. When he does not receive payment for his labor, the cart driver is left feeling disenchanted.


Laurier, Joanne. "Classic African films released on DVD." World Socialist Website (online magazine)

Acquarello. "Borom Sarret, 1966." Strictly Film School (online review)

Schwartz, Dennis. "The black man's Bicycle Thieves." Dennis Schwartz Movie Reviews (online)

"Borom sarret." Nicksflickpicks (online review)

Weiler, A.H. "Borom Sarret (1966)." New York Times (online magazine)

Boano, Adriano. "BOROM SARRET." Cinemah (online review)

Academic Articles:

Baldé, Cissé M, Marie-Claire Ropars, and Pierre Bayard. Le Dictateur D’afrique Noire Dans La Littérature Et Le Cinéma Francophones. Sl: sn, 2007. Print.

Champreux, Jacques, and Ousmane Sembène. Bako, L’autre Rive. Paris: Avant scène, 1979. Print.

Rouch, Jean, Jacques Champreux, and Ousmane Sembène. Wo Shi Yi Ge Hei Ren. Beijing: Zhongguo dian ying chu ban she, 1983. Internet resource.

Sembène, Ousmane. Borom Sarret: [film. Scénario Et Dialogues in Extenso (continuité). Paris: Avant scène, 1979. Print.

Scheinfeigel, Maxime, and Michel Marie. La Narration Dans “borom Sarret” De Ousmane Sembene. S.l.: s.n., 1978. Print.

Sembène, Ousmane. Borom Sarret: [film. Scénario Et Dialogues in Extenso (continuité). Paris: Avant scène, 1979. Print.

Scheinfeigel, Maxime, and Michel Marie. La Narration Dans “borom Sarret” De Ousmane Sembene. S.l.: s.n., 1978. Print.

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Borom Sarret (The Wagoner) Senegal 1963 Ousmane Sembène
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