La Petite Vendeuse de Soleil (Senegal: 1999)


Djibril Diop Mambéty

Cast list

Lissa Balera, Aminata Fall, Tayerou M'Baye


Writer: Djibril Diop Mambéty


In Dakar, selling newspapers on the street is an occupation always occupied by boys. But one morning, Sili, a young beggar, challenges that exclusive rule. Her age is uncertain, between 10 and 13, and she walks the streets with the help of her crutches. She begs for help in the same spot the boys sell their papers, but today they attack her and she falls, rolling over and over. That’s it; she too will sell newspapers starting tomorrow.


Stephen Holden, The Little Girl Who Sold the Sun, Review. NYTimes (Newspaper, online summary)

Academic Articles:

‘Wolof Orality, Senghorian Literacy, and the Status of Cinema in Djibril Diop Mambety’s “La Petite Vandeuse du Soleil'” by Charles J. Sugnet. The French Review, Vol. 79. No. 6, May 2006, pp 1222-1238

“Review: La Petite Vendeuse du Soleil” by Sada Niang. African Studies Review, Vol. 44. No. 1. April 2001, pp 133-135

“Urban Apprenticeships and Senegalese Narratives of Development: Mansour Sora Wade’s “Picci Mi” and Djibril Diop Mambety’s “La Petite Vendesue du Soleil”‘ by Ellie Higgins. Research in African Literatures, Vol. 33. No. 3. Autumn, 2002, pp 54-68.

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La Petite Vendeuse de Soleil Senegal 1999 Djibril Diop Mambéty
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