Man Sa Yay (Senegal: 1980)


Safi Faye


This film depicts the struggles that Senegalese guest workers face in Germany.


Beti Ellerson. “Safi Faye’s Gaze: The Evolution of an African Woman’s Cinema.” Centre for the Study and Research of African Women in Cinema (Article)

Francoise Pfaff. “Safi Faye (1943- ).” Centre for the Study and Research of African Women in Cinema (Article)

Academic Articles:
Marker, Cynthia. “Safi Faye and Sarah Maldoror: Cinécrivaines of African Cinema.” The Journal of Twentieth-Century/Contemporary French Studies 4.2 (2000): 453-69.Web of Science. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.

Reid, Mark A. “Dialogic Modes of Representing Africa(s): Womanist Film.” Black American Literature Forum 25.2 (1991): 375-88. JSTOR. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.

Loftus, Maria. “The appeal of hybrid documentary forms in West Africa.” French Forum 35.2-3 (2010): 37+. Literature Resource Center. Web. 8 May 2014.

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Fad’jal Senegal 1980 Safi Faye
Man Sa Yay Senegal 1980 Safi Faye
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