GriGris (Chad: 2013)


Mahamat-Saleh Haroun

Cast list

Souleymane Deme
Anais Monory
Cyril Guei
Marius Yelolo
Hadje Fatime N’Goula
Abakar M’Bairo
Youssouf Djaoro
Remadji Adele Ngaradoumbaye
Emmanuel M’Baide Rotoubam
Achouackh Abakar


Despite a paralyzed leg, Grigris, 25 year old, dreams of being a dancer. A challenge. But his dreams are dashed when his uncle falls critically ill. To save him, Grigris resolves to work for petrol traffickers.


Stephen Dalton, “GriGris: Cannes Review,The Hollywood Reporter (online magazine)

Guy Lodge, “Cannes Film Review: ‘Grigris,’” Variety (online magazine)

Eric Kohn, “Cannes Review: Killer Dance Moves and Crime In Simple, Formulaic 'Grigris,'” IndieWire (blog)

Academic Articles:

Cannes: All That Glitters by Nick James. Sight and Sound, Vol. 23, No. 7, pp. 20-24

Haroun Mahamat-Saleh, dir. Grigris. 2013 by Anais Angelo. African Studies Review, Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 229-231

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GriGris Chad 2013 Mahamat-Saleh Haroun
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