Caméra Arabe (Tunisia: 1987)


Férid Boughedir


Moufida Tlatli- Editor

Faouzi Thabte-Sound


Caméra Arabe is an insightful documentary about the past 20 years of Arab cinema (1967-1987). Boughedir does a wonderful job at highlighting major films and directors who have found recent success in the industry.


Dan Pavlides, Movies-Caméra Arabe Review, The New York Times (online newspaper)

Academic Articles

Africa and the Moving Image: Television, Film and Video by Frances Harding
Journal of African Cultural Studies Vol. 16, No. 1(Jun., 2003), pp. 69-84

African Cinema and Its Criticism by Jonathan Haynes. African Affairs. Vol. 101, No. 405 (Oct., 2002), pp. 645-650

Origins and Patterns in the Discourse of New Arab Cinema by Malek Khoury. Arab Studies Quarterly. Vol. 27, No. 1/2 (Winter/Spring 2005), pp. 1-20

Other movies from Tunisia made in

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Caméra Arabe Tunisia 1987 Férid Boughedir
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