Tauw (Senegal: 1970)


Ousmane Sembène

Cast list

Mamadou M'bow
Amadou Dieng
Fatim Diane
Coumba Mané
Yoro Cissé
Mamadou Diagne
Christophe N'doulabia


Screenplay: Ousmane Sembène

Cinematography: Georges Caristan

Editing: Mawa Gaye

Sound: El Hadji Mbow

Music: Samba Diabaré Samb


This film follows a 20-year-old Senegalese man named Tauw who searches for work and tries to support his pregnant girlfriend. His younger brother Ouman has troubles of his own involving the religious nature of his school. These two brothers ultimately must cope with a society in a state of change and uncertainty.


Brunette, Peter. Ousmane Sembene: Interviews. University of Mississippi Press, 2008. pg 31. Print.

Other movies from Senegal made in

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Tauw Senegal 1970 Ousmane Sembène
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