Flame (Zimbabwe: 1996)


Ingrid Sinclair

Cast list

Marian Kunonga - Florence (Flame)
Ulla Mahaka - Nyasha (Liberty)
Moise Matura - Che
Norman Madawo - Danger
Dick ‘Chinx’ Chingaira - Rapo
Lawrence Simbarashe - Mkondo
Simon Shumba - Chiwara
David Musvaire - Mabara


Set in Zimbabwe in 1975 during the Rhodesian Bush War, young women Florence and Nyasha travel to a Mozambican refugee camp to join the Zimbabwe African National Union. Florence and Nyasha take on the names Flame and Liberty, and discover the many hardships being an insurgent during the time of war.


California Newsreel. Flame. California Newsreel (online article)

Academic Articles:
Lyons, Tanya. "The forgotten soldiers: Women in Zimbabwe's liberation war." Southern Africa Report. 12.2 (1997): 12. Web. 14 Apr. 2014. <http://www.africafiles.org/article.asp?ID=3850>.

Other movies from Zimbabwe made in

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Flame Zimbabwe 1996 Ingrid Sinclair
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