Kare Kare Zvako (Mother’s Day) (Zimbabwe: 2005)


Tsitsi Dangarembga

Cast list

Consolata Ngwenya -  Mother

Nicolas Mazenda -  Father

Sasha Dambakushamba -  Tino

Simbarashe Mhowa -  Kuda

Belinda Mufute -  Maidei

Jonathan Kalapuka -  Baby


Producers: Pangolin Films and Nyerai Films


Mother's Day is like nothing you've ever seen. Drought has struck. Father pushes his wife away from the family dinner of termites. In anger, when mother challenges him, he digs a pit with a brutal purpose, but little does he suspect that Mother can retaliate just as powerfully. Based on an old Shona folk tale and rendered as a musical celebrating a diversity of contemporary Zimbabwean music, Mother's Day is the newest and most exciting motion picture development to come out of Zimbabwe.


Films: Kare Kare Zvako - Mother’s Day, Nyerai Films (online)

Bob Westal, Review: Kare Kare Zvako - Mother’s Day, Film Threat (blog)

Academic Articles:

Tsitsi Dangarembga’s Film Kare Kare Zvako : The Survival of the Butchered Woman by Flora Veit-Wild, Research in African Literatures, Vol. 36, No. 2, (Summer 2005)
Desperately Seeking Tsitsi: A conversation with Tsitsi Dangarembga by Christopher Joon-Hai Lee, Transition, Issue 96 Vol. 13, No. 2(2006), pp. 128-150

Zimbabwe’s Cinematic Arts: Language, Power, Identity by Katrina Daly Thompson, Indiana University Press (2012)

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Kare Kare Zvako (Mother’s Day) Zimbabwe 2005 Tsitsi Dangarembga
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